Jan 25

kdigknot-dns 中的类似 dig 的工具,使用 TLSv1.3 DoT 查询比起 dig 来要方便许多。静态编译它花了很多功夫,最终还是在 Tomatoware 作者的指导下才成功。

kdig 依赖:libedit, libunistring, gmp, nettle, gnutls,其中后三者 Tomatoware 都已自带,前两个需要下载源码编译。(注:Tomatoware 带的 gnutls 编译时未带证书,所以静态编译出来的 kdig 在运行时要指定 ca-file=/path/to/certfile,我个人为了偷懒是重新编译了带证书的 gnutls)

./configure --prefix=/mmc/s --enable-shared=no

./configure --prefix=/mmc/s --enable-shared=no

./configure --prefix=/mmc --enable-local-libopts --without-p11-kit --with-included-libtasn1 --enable-static --with-included-unistring --disable-doc --with-system-priority-file=/opt/etc/gnutls/default-priorities --with-default-trust-store-file=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt --with-default-trust-store-dir=/opt/etc/ssl/certs --with-unbound-root-key-file=/opt/etc/unbound/root.key

/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt 这个证书文件可以通过 Entware 的 opkg install ca-bundle 来安装。

然后开始编译 knot-dns,我们只要其中的工具 kdig:

./configure --prefix=/opt --disable-daemon --disable-modules --disable-documentation --disable-fastparser --without-libidn
make V=99 LDFLAGS="-zmuldefs -all-static"

make V=99 用来查看编译中的详细信息,-zmuldefs 处理编译中出现的重复定义错误。

这个编译过程会出错停在开始编译 kdig 的时候,注意最后一句 gcc 相关的编译出错:

libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Werror=format-security -Werror=implicit -Wstrict-prototypes -zmuldefs -static -o kdig utils/kdig/kdig-kdig_exec.o utils/kdig/kdig-kdig_main.o utils/kdig/kdig-kdig_params.o ./.libs/libknotus.a /mmc/src/knot/knot-2.7.5/src/.libs/libknot.a -L/mmc/lib /mmc/src/knot/knot-2.7.5/src/.libs/libdnssec.a /mmc/lib/libedit.a -lncurses /mmc/lib/libgnutls.a -lnettle -lhogweed /mmc/lib/libgmp.a /mmc/lib/libintl.a /mmc/lib/libiconv.a -lc

复制下来,然后把外部调用的库用 -Wl,--whole-archive 和 -Wl,--no-whole-archive 包围起来,进入 src 目录手动编译:
cd src
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Werror=format-security -Werror=implicit -Wstrict-prototypes -zmuldefs -static -o kdig utils/kdig/kdig-kdig_exec.o utils/kdig/kdig-kdig_main.o utils/kdig/kdig-kdig_params.o ./.libs/libknotus.a /mmc/src/knot/knot-2.7.5/src/.libs/libknot.a -L/mmc/lib /mmc/src/knot/knot-2.7.5/src/.libs/libdnssec.a -Wl,--whole-archive /mmc/lib/libedit.a -lncurses /mmc/lib/libgnutls.a -lnettle -lhogweed /mmc/lib/libgmp.a /mmc/lib/libintl.a /mmc/lib/libiconv.a -lc -Wl,--no-whole-archive

这样就可以编译出静态版本的 kdig 了:

file /opt/bin/kdig
/opt/bin/kdig: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, no section header


kdig +tls -d @ quakemachinex.com
;; DEBUG: Querying for owner(quakemachinex.com.), class(1), type(1), server(, port(853), protocol(TCP)
;; DEBUG: TLS, received certificate hierarchy:
;; DEBUG: #1, C=US,ST=California,L=San Francisco,O=Cloudflare\, Inc.,CN=cloudflare-dns.com
;; DEBUG: SHA-256 PIN: TdBczz+YjD3Q/taSfHXL5n4LnRxzJk0WG0JAX7nRu6s=
;; DEBUG: #2, C=US,O=DigiCert Inc,CN=DigiCert ECC Secure Server CA
;; DEBUG: SHA-256 PIN: PZXN3lRAy+8tBKk2Ox6F7jIlnzr2Yzmwqc3JnyfXoCw=
;; DEBUG: TLS, skipping certificate PIN check
;; DEBUG: TLS, skipping certificate verification
;; TLS session (TLS1.3)-(ECDHE-SECP256R1)-(ECDSA-SECP256R1-SHA256)-(AES-256-GCM)
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY; status: NOERROR; id: 50261
;; Flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1; ANSWER: 1; AUTHORITY: 0; ADDITIONAL: 1

;; Version: 0; flags: ; UDP size: 1452 B; ext-rcode: NOERROR
;; PADDING: 402 B

;; quakemachinex.com. IN A

quakemachinex.com. 4 IN A

;; Received 468 B
;; Time 2019-01-25 08:57:44 CST
;; From in 66.2 ms

Jan 25

用编译 Stubby 的方法行不通,因为 Curl 的编译配置文件会发现系统有两个版本的 OpenSSL 而导致编译失败。所以选择 WolfSSL

./configure --prefix=/mmc --enable-static=yes
make && make install

./configure --prefix=/opt --with-ca-bundle=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt --with-wolfssl --without-ssl --with-nghttp2 --disable-ldap --disable-shared --enable-ares
make -j2 LDFLAGS="-all-static -s" LIBS="-ldl"

编译出来的 Curl:

curl2 -V
curl 7.63.0 (armv7l-unknown-linux-uclibceabi) libcurl/7.63.0 wolfSSL/3.15.7 zlib/1.2.11 c-ares/1.15.0 libpsl/0.12.0 (no IDNA support) nghttp2/1.35.1
Release-Date: 2018-12-12
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS IPv6 Largefile SSL libz HTTP2 UnixSockets PSL

TLSv1.3 测试:

curl2 -I -v --tlsv1.3 https://quakemachinex.com
* Trying
* Connected to quakemachinex.com ( port 443 (#0)
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
CApath: none
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS13-AES256-GCM-SHA384

Jan 08

关于浏览器支持 TLSv1.3 的情况请参考:https://caniuse.com/#feat=tls1-3

主流的 Chrome 70+ 版本支持 TLS 1.3 Final;Firefox 63+ 确认 about:config 中的 security.tls.version.max 为 4;


1. 修改 lnmp1.5 脚本文件
首先是 \lnmp1.5\include\version.sh 文件,将 Openssl_Ver='openssl-1.0.2o' 修改为:Openssl_Ver='openssl-1.1.1a'

2. 使用 lnmp1.5 脚本升级 nginx

进入 lnmp1.5 目录,执行命令:

./upgrade.sh nginx

然后输入需要升级的 nginx 版本号,如目前最新的 1.15.8。nginx 最新版本号可从官网获取:http://nginx.org


执行 nginx -V 可查询详细配置信息:

nginx version: nginx/1.15.8
built by gcc 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu/Linaro 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11)
built with OpenSSL 1.1.1a 20 Nov 2018
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --user=www --group=www --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_v2_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_sub_module --with-stream --with-stream_ssl_module --with-openssl=/home/vmmate/Src/lnmp1.5-full/src/openssl-1.1.1a --with-ld-opt='-ljemalloc'

3. 修改主机配置文件

ssl_protocols 加入 TLSv1.3 支持,如:

ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;

ssl_ciphers 参考配置(包含 TLS13 是 TLS 1.3 新增的 Cipher Suite,加在最前面即可;):

ssl_ciphers TLS13-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS13-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256:TLS13-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS13-AES-128-CCM-8-SHA256:TLS13-AES-128-CCM-SHA256

文件修改完,重启一下 nginx:

sudo lnmp nginx restart


TLSv1.3 是否开启成功验证:

1、Chrome 70+ 版本打开网站,F12 打开开发者工具,「Security」可以看到 Connection - secure (strong TLS 1.3) 字样信息。

2、Firefox 63+ 版本打开网站,F12 打开开发者工具,「网络」,刷新页面,在「网络」资源列表下随便选中一个本站链接或者打开页面的链接,然后在右侧详细信息查看「安全性」即可看到连接协议版本。


Jan 06

Tomato 下面运行需要 SSL/TLS 连接的 Golang 程序(多为静态编译),可能会出现类似:

x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

这样的证书相关问题,目前遇到过的有 overture 以及 dnscrypt-proxy这里有讨论。

主要就是 x509 默认只在以下目录搜索证书:

"/etc/ssl/certs", // SLES10/SLES11, https://golang.org/issue/12139
"/system/etc/security/cacerts", // Android
"/usr/local/share/certs", // FreeBSD
"/etc/pki/tls/certs", // Fedora/RHEL
"/etc/openssl/certs", // NetBSD


// Possible certificate files; stop after finding one.
var certFiles = []string{
"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", // Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo etc.
"/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", // Fedora/RHEL 6
"/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem", // OpenSUSE
"/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem", // OpenELEC
"/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem", // CentOS/RHEL 7

而 Entware 默认是安装在 /opt/etc/ssl 目录下;

查看 Golang 源码提示可以设置环境变量:


const (
// certFileEnv is the environment variable which identifies where to locate
// the SSL certificate file. If set this overrides the system default.
certFileEnv = "SSL_CERT_FILE"
// certDirEnv is the environment variable which identifies which directory
// to check for SSL certificate files. If set this overrides the system default.
certDirEnv = "SSL_CERT_DIR"


1. 通过 Entware 安装 ca 证书:

opkg update
opkg upgrade
opkg install ca-bundle
opkg install ca-certificates

2. 在 /opt/etc/.profile 中设置环境变量:

# SSL for Golang
export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/opt/etc/ssl/certs


Dec 28

Stubby 是一款支持 DNS-over-TLS 的 DNS 服务器,详情可参考:


要支持 TLS 1.3,必须先编译 OpenSSL 1.1.1

cd /mnt/data/compile/openssl-1.1.1/
mkdir lib
cp libssl.a libcrypto.a lib/
cp include/openssl/* include/

注意,为了不影响原系统,并不安装此 OpenSSL 版本!

还需要编译 libyaml 支持库:

cd /mnt/data/compile/yaml-0.2.1/
./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=/mmc
make install

然后通过 getdns 静态编译出 Stubby:

cd /mnt/data/compile/getdns-1.5.0/
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-static -static -static-libgcc -s" ./configure --disable-shared --without-libunbound --without-libidn --without-libidn2 --with-ssl=/mnt/data/compile/openssl-1.1.1 --with-stubby --with-piddir=/var/run --prefix=/opt

就可以在 src 下得到需要的文件:

file src/stubby
src/stubby: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped, with debug_info

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