Blog Archives

Mar 26

About Deadwood

Deadwood is the code that will eventually become MaraDNS’ next recursive resolver; right now it is a stable and functioning non-recursive cache. Deadwood, unlike MaraDNS, does not need threads to resolve queries, and has features MaraDNS’ recursive cache doesn’t have, such as “resurrections” and the ability to read and write the cache to disk.

Only 34.3k ,it can write DNS items to the file and load on next start.Easy to config.(Default config can work well like a charm.)

My config example:

# Forward Servers we connect to


#In order to enable DNS-over-TCP, this variable must be set and have a value of 1.

tcp_listen = 1

# The IP this program has

bind_address = “”

# The IPs allowed to connect and use the cache

recursive_acl = “”

# The file containing a hard-to-guess secret

random_seed_file = “secret.txt”

# This is the file Deadwood uses to read the cache to and from disk

cache_file = “dw_cache”

Mar 26

About Unbound

Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.

The C implementation of Unbound is developed and maintained by NLnet Labs. It is based on ideas and algorithms taken from a java prototype developed by Verisign labs, Nominet, Kirei and

Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible.

First step, download Unbound ZIP files from:

then extract all files to d://Unbound,

Next step,you must edit next two files so you can let it work fine on windows.


# Unbound configuration file on windows.
# See example.conf for more settings and syntax
    directory: “d:Unbound”
    # file to read root hints from.
    # get one from ftp://FTP.INTERNIC.NET/domain/named.cache
    root-hints: “named.cache”

    # the log file, “” means log to stderr.
    # Use of this option sets use-syslog to “no”.
    logfile: “unbound.log”

    # verbosity level 0-4 of logging
    verbosity: 0

    # on Windows, this setting makes reports go into the Application log
    # found in ControlPanels - System tasks - Logs
    use-syslog: no

    # if yes, perform prefetching of almost expired message cache entries.
    prefetch: yes

    # Enable IPv4, “yes” or “no”.
    do-ip4: yes

    # Enable IPv6, “yes” or “no”.
    do-ip6: no

    # Enable UDP, “yes” or “no”.
    do-udp: yes

    # Enable TCP, “yes” or “no”.
    do-tcp: yes


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“CronAction”=”"D:Unboundanchor-update.exe" “
“Start Menu Folder”=”Unbound”

Now you can run unbound-service-install.exe ,after this you will get a high performance local DNS resolver with validating, recursive, and caching(memory) function.

Nov 23


EasyWebServer 网站服务器是一款小型的 Web 服务器软件。它可以很快速地在您的 PC 上创建一个站点,而无需 IIS 等庞大复杂的工具。


  1. 遵循 HTTP/1.1 协议标准
  2. 支持 CGIISAPI,支持 PHPASP、Perl
  3. 支持自定义端口、最大连接数、网络超时
  4. 支持自定义缺省文档列表,支持目录浏览
  5. 支持中文 UTF-8 编码
  6. 支持 Cookie,支持 SOAP
  7. 支持多线程文件下载、断点续传
  8. 支持访问日志记录
  9. 极少的资源占用,极快的访问速度,极简单的设置
  10. 绿色软件,无须安装,不写注册表
  11. VC++ SDK 编写,体积超小

EasyWebServer 的作者是 ,最新版下载地址,内含详细设置说明。

Oct 26


Serv-U 是一种被广泛运用的FTP服务器端软件,支持 9x/ME/NT/2K 等全Windows系列。它设置简单,功能强大,性能稳定。FTP 服务器用户通过它用 FTP协议能在 internet上共享文件。它并不是简单地提供文件的下载,还为用户的系统安全提供了相当全面的保护。例如:您可以为您的FTP 设置密码、设置各种用户级的访问许可等等。Serv-U不仅100%遵从通用FTP标准,也包括众多的独特功能可为每个用户提供文件共享完美解决方案。它可以设定多个FTP 服务器、限定登录用户的权限、登录主目录及空间大小等,功能非常完备。它具有非常完备的安全特性,支持SSl FTP传输,支持在多个Serv-U和FTP客户端通过SSL加密连接保护您的数据安全等。是它最新的中文破解版本,无任何捆绑,解压即可使用。

2011 年 12 月 3 日更新: 多国语言安装版,自动识别 x64 系统,运行 Patcher.exe 之前请确认完全退出了 Serv-U 服务;点击 TrayIcon 弹出的管理界面若为空白,请右键 TrayIcon 后选择“使用系统默认浏览器”。

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